Thursday, January 7, 2016

Frolicking through Fantasy-Land

Ah yes — the first mid-week check-in of ROW80.  I remember these.  Always a challenge for me.  The forty-hour work-week at a “regular job” will drain the creative life out of you if you let it.  So, like any heroic protagonist would do, I adapt to the situation and muscle my way through the first obstacle of the quest.  I’ve found that a twenty-minute power-nap, a cool-water face-splash and total audio-immersion of Pure Arctic Wind, usually gives me the much-needed “second-wind” that I need in the evening to write during a work-week.  I would much rather be writing in the mornings though, because that’s the time when my mind is the most creative.  I’ve noticed that when I’m at work, somewhere around mid-morning when that large cup of coffee is just starting to kick-in, my obnoxiously-perky Muse will show up in my imagination wanting me to frolic with her across the imaginary landscape of our story-world.  So, of course, I accept her invitation and we skip off into daydream-land as my body stays behind and goes through the motions of my work-routine like an automaton on autopilot.  Essentially, my body is “working” while my mind is “playing” (Hey — they can enslave my body, but they can’t enslave my mind — Bwahahaha!).

I’ve got a pretty good idea of what I want to accomplish during ROW80 (Round 1).  Like I’ve stated previously, my goal for this round is to write four novellas within my “Sword & Sorcery” universe, each of which will be approximately 20,000 words apiece.  For the past several days, I’ve been going through all my story-idea file-folders looking for story-candidates.  Through much consideration, and consultation with my Muse, I’ve chosen the four story-candidates that I feel have the best potential.  I’ll explain my reasoning for these decisions and discuss each of these story-candidates in more detail this weekend.  There it is again — work-week time-constraints — limiting my time to write.  Oh well, such is the life of an aspiring author.  At least I have the weekends to write.

That’s all for now.  Keep the Fire Burning!
Please visit the other writers in the ROW80 Community...

1 comment:

  1. I would love to be able to write in the mornings. I have the day job, too, and by the time I get home, I'm pretty tired. I do occasionally do some writing at lunch.

    Just keep finding those little bits of time to fit some writing in! :)
