Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Quick Update

Here’s my ROW80 (Round 4) mid-week update: 
Wow, it’s hard to believe that the month of October is half-over already.  Where does the time go?  I’m already starting to feel that familiar time-pressure building with each passing day as I frantically try to prepare for the imminent NaNoWriMo onslaught.  At this point, my NaNo-Novel outline needs a lot of work.  Each evening after work,  I’ve been diligently trying to piece together a coherent story-outline for NaNoWriMo.  I’m making progress, but I only have a vague idea about my story so far, and I keep questioning which of my story-ideas I want to work on during November.  I’ve got one strong story-candidate, and two alternative story-candidates that I’m considering, but I need to decide soon so that I can focus all my energy into that one project.  I’ll let you know more about this decision this weekend when I have more time.  For now, just know that I’ve been organizing my outlines, reading books on story structure, reviewing my notes and going through my previous story-ideas every night this week.  As a matter of fact, I’m going to keep this post very short because I need to get back to my outline before bedtime.  Like I said, I’ll have a more detailed update for you this weekend.

That’s all for now. Keep the Fire Burning!
Please visit the other writers in the ROW80 Community


  1. I can picture you at a desk with a candle burning, furiously scribbling notes from a quill to parchment. I love imagery? Is that over the top? Good for you, keep up the dedication, John!! :-)

  2. Great imagery. If I had a quill and parchment, that's exactly how I'd write my notes. By candle-light, no less. :-)
