Sunday, November 8, 2015

A Very Productive Week

One week into NaNoWriMo and I’ve already past the mid-point of my word-count goal.  There’s just something about this month that awakens my Muse and gets her excited again.  [Word Wars: The Muse Awakens]  See? — that just came out of nowhere, so I just wrote it down.  I am merely the stenographer of my Muse.  My NaNo-Novel is really starting to take shape now, as I move my hero and heroine from one plot-milestone to another.  I’ve been having a lot of fun creating the scenes in-between the plot-milestones and my character's personalities are starting to come to life.  My main characters are based off of hero archetypes, each with base virtues and flaws, and I’ve been trying to discovery-write their personalities.  Some of my previously-imagined secondary-characters have become more prominent in my story because I have discovery-written their ulterior agendas and mysterious pasts, which might change the direction of my original outline.  I can already see that I will have to do a lot of revision next month.  Many of my scenes are long-winded with narration, overly descriptive, and my action scenes get bogged down with too many lengthy blow-by-blow details.  But, that's okay.  I’m just dictating what my Muse shows me.  More details later…

That’s all for this ROW80 (Round 4) update.
Please visit the other writers in the ROW80 Community.
Keep the Fire Burning!


  1. Kudos! That's quite an accomplishment. And you have a great outlook on the editing that will come later. Keep writing. Have fun.

    1. Thanks, Steph. My goal is to reach my word-count goal before Thanksgiving. So far, I'd say I'm ahead of schedule. Thanks for your encouragement!
